
Short for pakalolo, Paka is a brand that sources directly from Native Hawaiian cannabis farmers. For generations, Kānaka Maoli have been cut out of lucrative deals in every industry through the history of their homeland. Paka is making a focused effort on switching the status quo and bringing Hawaiian’s back into the fold. To show respect for cultural tradition, we implemented hand drawn symbols pulled from tattoo patterns that reflect the type of strain that the end user will consume.

Project Type
Branding, Illustration


Illustrator, Fresco, Dimension, Photoshop

Paka proudly combines generational farming practices and cutting-edge science to provide the best product from the Pacific. We work hard to place Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) at every step of the process from farming, packaging, and retail. Providing growth opportunities for the local community is at the heart of our work.

Protect All Kānaka Agriculture.

donovan r mansinon-salazar
paradise hills, san diego, california